I was defiantly skeptical about the idea of men wearing high heels.But after really studying these pictures its pretty freakin amazing!!!I don't know who this guy is but he is FEAR-LESS.His style is crazy, his shoes are sick. LOVE ITTTTTT!! I do not care WHAT anybody else has to say. I think it's cool.

Clutch,love.Blazer with cinched belt,Love.I didn't even know guys cinched their blazers.Who cares! He pulls it off!

I seriously didn't think a guy could pull of a full on pant suit.On top of that, with heels!Everything just works. Me-likey the sunglasses by the way.

The fact that these guys are brave enough to wear heels makes them so cool.I admire it.If you feel that an outfit was to risque for you to wear out, ignore your second guessing thoughts! Be who you want to be. Wear what you want to wear. Fashion is expression. Let the world know your individuality.

I think it works out so well because the shoes are not super feminine. The shoes are more Rock-n-Roll which makes it come off more edgy then "girly"

I think I'm just intrigued by their sense of style more so to the fact that they are wearing heels.I'm attracted to eccentric. And fashion is full of eccentrics. When I go to an event with fashionable guys like this, I'll be sure to take lots of pictures!!